Stand Out with Painted Edge Business Cards

In the bustling city of Louisville, KY, where business thrives and networking is paramount, making a lasting impression is key. One surefire way to achieve this is through the use of painted edge business cards. If you're looking to elevate your professional image and leave a memorable mark, these premium cards are the perfect choice.

What are Painted Edge Business Cards?

Painted edge business cards are a step above traditional options, offering a striking visual appeal that sets them apart. Imagine a stack of thick card stock, meticulously crafted into 32pt weight cards, with edges painted in solid colors or even metallic finishes. Each card exudes luxury and attention to detail, making it a powerful tool in your networking arsenal.

Blue Painted Edge Business Card Printing
Red Painted Edge Business Card

Why Choose Painted Edge Business Cards?

  1. Premium Quality: Built on thick card stock, these cards feel substantial and luxurious in hand, signaling quality and professionalism.

  2. Customizable Options: Whether you prefer solid colors that match your brand or eye-catching metallic edges that catch the light, there are options to suit every taste and style.

  3. Uncoated Finish: The uncoated surface allows for a smooth, writable texture, perfect for jotting down additional information or personalized notes.

Why Bluegrass Print?

Located right here in Louisville, KY, Bluegrass Print specializes in crafting beautiful, custom business cards that stand out. They understand the importance of a strong first impression and offer a range of printing options to ensure your cards reflect your unique brand identity. From full-color designs to intricate metallic edge details, their expertise guarantees a flawless result every time.

How They Make a Difference

In a competitive business environment like Louisville, KY, having a premium business card can make all the difference. Here’s how painted edge business cards from Bluegrass Print can benefit you:

  • Memorability: The unique look and feel ensure your card stays top-of-mind long after initial meetings.

  • Professionalism: They convey professionalism and attention to detail, enhancing your overall brand image.

  • Customization: Tailor your cards to match your brand colors and personal style, ensuring consistency across all your networking materials.

Painted Edge Business Card

Edge Color Options

  • Pink

  • Orange

  • Metallic Green

  • Brown

  • Blue

  • Black

  • White (Not Painted)

  • Metallic Orange

  • Yellow

  • Metallic Hot Pink

  • Turquoise

  • Metallic Gold

  • Purple

  • Metallic Yellow

  • Metallic Blue

  • Metallic Purple

  • Red

Investing in painted edge business cards from Bluegrass Print is more than just a purchase—it’s an investment in your professional reputation. In a city as vibrant and competitive as Louisville, KY, these cards will help you stand out from the crowd, leaving a lasting impression with every exchange. Whether you’re attending a local networking event, meeting potential clients, or simply introducing yourself around town, let your business card speak volumes about who you are and what you represent.

Elevate your networking game today with painted edge business cards from Bluegrass Print. Visit their website or contact their team to discover how you can create a personalized, premium business card that truly reflects your brand.

Stand out. Be memorable. Choose painted edge business cards from Bluegrass Print.


Raised Foil Printing: Business Cards, Postcards and More!


Elevate Your Brand: Printing in Louisville, KY